I want to take a moment to thank Cari Shane for over four wonderful years of collaboration and achievements. Cari is moving on to new opportunities and I wish her all the best. Good luck, Cari!
Moving forward, sasse agency will continue to redefine what matters to your business and make positive changes. Our mission will be to identify corporate spirit, design creative marketing strategy and promote growth for small businesses, simply and authentically.
I want you to work smart, not hard. That means giving you the tools to define your target markets to ensure you’re talking to the right audience. Then we’ll implement a brand strategy that differentiates you in your industry. And finally, we’ll use data analytics to measure performance. You’ll know what impact you’re making and how to stay on track.
As the sasse agency starts the new year, I hope you make time in your busy schedule to join us for upcoming workshops and discussions on Google Hangout. I’ll be tapping experts in marketing, business strategy and content to talk about how to help you do your best work in 2016. I’ll be posting the schedule soon, so watch for it. And if there is something you’d like as a topic, by all means, email me.
I am also excited about participating in the “Building Your Business Toolbox” workshop on Dec. 10 as part of the Washington Independent Services Educational Resources (WISER) education series.
Meet me at the Maryland Women’s Business Center in Rockville, Md., on Jan. 28, 2016, for my workshop, “Make Messaging Matter. “The session will help business owners cultivate visibility by turning overwhelmed and haphazard into organized and strategic. I’ll be taking actual case studies from the Sasse Agency to demonstrate how to create and promote your own authentic message. So, grab a note book and join me for this powerful and informative workshop to help you take your organization’s strategic online communications to the next level.
And don’t forget to watch for more exciting events and presentations from The Sasse Agency. Don’t’ hesitate to give me (Julie!) a call at 301.651.6889 if you have marketing or branding questions.
Happy Holidays!