Guest blog by: Max Kress
Technology is a big part of everyday life from necessary items like cell phones and computers to items for just entertainment. Technology and marketing are very closely related, and there are many exciting new technologies that come out from many companies. Some of the main technology companies are LG, Sony, Samsung, Apple, and Microsoft. In this blog, I will discuss technology such as TVs, phones, computers, and headphones, and I will compare marketing scores and such and talk about the competition and marketing of the new and available technology.
TVs and Life with Them
Most of the best TV companies these days are making 4k and HDR TVs which means higher resolution (more pixels). Televisions work by the pixels, tiny dots making a color to add up to a picture. 4000×2000 pixels are in 4k TVs, which is more than others, which makes the picture more precise and has better clarity. HDR means high dynamic range; therefore, the TV is brighter and more vivid, making HDR images feature brighter colors than ever before. These tech specs add value to their products and are marketing ploys for the HDTV companies that they use to compare models, with claims like, “This TV has 4k. its higher resolution is much better than 1080p which is 1920x 1080 pixels.” This stirs the pot and is good for marketing. So, the specs are always changing and improving in technology becoming better, more efficient, and in a lot of cases easier to use and convenient.
Smart Phones for Everyday
The Smartphone since the original release of the Apple iPhone has completely dominated the cell phone market. Now almost every company is making smartphones as their main lineup. Phones are a necessity: we use them every day in our life. Imagine a time when there were no cell phones. Now we use them every day and take them for granted. But they are so important and the companies making the cell phone these days are always improving their design with things like having a bigger screen or better camera and focusing on the apps as well. Apple is still one of the leading companies in cellular phones. Cell phones are great tech for marketing, with plenty of apps that better use and can have a lot to do with marketing the benefits of each type of phone.
The Purpose of Tech
Technology use varies from necessity to sheer entertainment. For instance, you don’t need an Xbox, but computers are very important for everyday life, and they vary by specs based on what you would like to do with them for. Some people just want a computer for emails and the internet, but some companies specialize particularly in fields like Alienware for gaming, Dell for work and business, and Apple for graphic design, media, and entertainment. But a good computer is a heck of an important investment and should be well thought out to get the most out of it. As far as marketing goes, these computer and technology companies compete on a big market and a huge audience. There is tons of marketing involved in the technology business and it is a very widespread busy market.
Technology has so much to do with marketing considering how big an impact it has on the market and how much marketing is involved. Not to mention there really is so much tech out there, and these days the market is swarming with tons of tech items. The Xbox is just one item for entertainment but there are so many others like movies and blu-ray players and TVs and tons of other items. But one thing is for sure. These days a smartphone and an HDTV are the way to go because they are dominating the phone and TV market.
Tech and Social Media
Tech and social media are very related. Social media like Facebook and Twitter have plenty of ads and opportunities for marketing. Technology for social media is vast and there is much social media such as Instagram which has tech designed by programmers, but the companies make their money on a following and people buying their tech and ads. For instance, Facebook is now worth billions of dollars and these social media techs are expansive for the market like a network. There is trade and other stuff like that available on the social media, and it is a lot of cyber tech and a lot can be done with marketing such as items sold. It is a huge thing that is vast across social networks.
In conclusion technology and marketing are very closely related and it is important to consider these things because it comes in handy. Tech is very important and so is marketing especially now more than ever, and it is so vital to understand as much of it as possible. And as far as marketing goes, technology is one of the biggest things that has the biggest impact on the market and is very important. That sums up my blog on technology and marketing.
Max Kress is a Maryland-based writer who enjoys learning about new things in the technology and marketing world. He travels a great deal and loves to discover new experiences like food and collectibles.